We are proud to be at the forefront of analytical development.
Our extensive experience with established methodologies and continuous involvement with the latest,
state-of-the-art technologies allow us to play a leading role in the field of omics.
Here are some examples of how we apply our knowledge to obtain the right answers to your omics questions.
Lagatie O., Njumbe Ediage E., Van Roosbroeck D., Van Asten S., Verheyen A., Batsa Debrah L., Debrah A., Odiere M., ‘t Kindt R., Dumont E., Sandra, K., Dillen L., Verhaeghe T., Vreeken R., Dillen L., Cuyckens F., Stuvyer L.
2021 – PloS Negl Trop Dis, 15(11).
Van Puyvelde B., Van Uytfanghe K., Tytgat O., Van Oudenhove L., Gabriels R., Bouwmeester R., Van Den Bossche T., Ramasamy P., Verhelst S., De Clerck L., Corveleyn L., Debunne N., Wynendaele E., De Spiegeleer B., Judak P., Roels K., De Wilde L., Van Eenoo P., Reyns T., Cherlet M., Dumont E., Debyser G., t’Kindt R., Sandra K., Gupta S., Drouin N., Harms A., Hankemeier T., Jones J.L., Gupta P., Lane D., Lane C.S., El Ouadi S., Vincendet J.B., Morrice N., Oehrle S., Tanna N. , Silvester S., Hannam S., Sigloch F., Bhangu-Uhlmann A., Claereboudt J., Anderson L., Razavi M., Degroeve S., Cuypers L., Stove C., Lagrou K., Martens G., Deforce D., Martens L., Vissers J.P.C., Dhaenens M.
2021, JACS Au., 1(6): 750–765.
Lagatie O., Verheyen A., Van Asten S., Odiere M., Djuardi Y., Levecke B., Vlaminck J., Mekonnen Z., Dana Medebo D., T’Kindt R., Sandra, K., van Outersterp R., Oomens J., Lin R., Dillen L., Vreeken R., Cuyckens F., Stuvyer L.
2020 – Scientific Reports, 10(1):15780.
Van Gool A., Corrales F., Čolović M., Krstić D., Oliver-Martos B., Martínez-Cáceres E., Jakasa I., Gajski G., Brun V., Kyriacou K., Burzynska-Pedziwiatr I., Wozniak L.A., Nierkens S., Pascual García C., Katrlik J., Bojic-Trbojevic Z., Vacek J., Llorente A., Antohe F., Suica V., Suarez G., t’Kindt R., Martin P., Penque D., Martins I.L., Bodoki E., Iacob B.C., Aydindogan E., Timur S., Allinson J., Sutton C., Luider T., Wittfooth S., Sammar M.
2020 – Expert Review of Proteomics, 17(4):257-273.
Oeyen E., Willems H., ‘t Kindt R., Sandra K., Boonen K., Hoekx L., De Wachter S., Ameye F., Mertens I.
2019 – Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 8(1):1676035.
Van Aelst B., Devloo R., Zachée P., t’Kindt R., Sandra K., Vandekerckhove P., Compernolle V., Feys H.B.
2016 – Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(47):24364-24376.
Dunkle M.N., Yoshimura Y., t’Kindt R., Ortiz A., Masugi E., Mitsui K., David F., Sandra P., Sandra K.
2016 – Journal of Chromatography A, 1439:54-64.
t’Kindt R., Telenga E.D., Jorge L., Van Oosterhout A. J., Sandra P., Ten Hacken N.H., Sandra K.
2015 – Analytical Chemistry, 87(9):4957-4964.
Telenga E.D., Hoffmann R.F., t’Kindt R., Hoonhorst S.J., Willemse B.W., van Oosterhout A.J., Heijink I.H., van den Berge M., Jorge L., Sandra P., Postma D.S., Sandra K., ten Hacken N.H.
2014 – American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 190(2):155-164.
Sandra K., Sandra P.
2013 – Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 17(5):847-853.
Boelaert J., t’Kindt R., Schepers E., Jorge L., Glorieux G., Neirynck N., Lynen F., Sandra P., Vanholder R., Sandra K.
2013 – Metabolomics, 425-442.
t’Kindt R., Jorge L., Dumont E., Couturon P., David F., Sandra P., Sandra K.
2012 – Analytical Chemistry, 84(1):403-411.
Sandra K., Pereira Ados S., Vanhoenacker G., David F., Sandra P.
2010 – Journal of Chromatography A, 1217(25):4087-99.
Sandra K., Moshir M., D’hondt F., Tuytten R., Verleysen K., Kas K., François I., Sandra P.
2009 – Journal of Chromatography B, 877(11-12):1019-1039.
Sandra K., Moshir M., D’hondt F., Verleysen K., Kas K., Sandra P.
2008 – Journal of Chromatography B, 866(1-2):48-63.
Yates J., Mohammed S., Sandra K., Gargano A.
2016 – The Analytical Scientist
Jorge L., t’Kindt R., David F., Sandra P., Sandra K.
2012 – Spectra Analyse, 284:18-24.
Sandra K., t’Kindt R., Jorge L., Sandra P.
2013 – Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co. KGaA, ISBN: 9783527655861:137-176.